Friday, April 18, 2014

Part 6 -- How Humanity Saved the Biosphere. The Dialectic of Nature.

To My Readers,

Below is the sixth part of my multi-part re-rendition, in this blog, of a rare, classic text, written by an anonymous collective author, one which -- very early-on, in the 1970s -- '''smelled a rat [smelled the 'Rocke-Nazi' rat -- in my opinion, the biggest, rottenest rat in all of human [pre-]history to-date -- the most rabid, the most massively "ambitious" mass torturers, and mass murderers, in all of human history, who make the bloody Vlad The Impaler pale to an infinitesimal in comparison] in the "Global Warming", "People Are Pollution" rap''', and circulated, in <<samizdat>> fashion, a rather comprehensive warning to humanity about this new "eu"-genocidal ploy, which remained scarcely-known until years later, when an updated version of this text became available on the world wide web.

The internet version of this text is entitled --

Crises by Nature:  How Humanity Saved the Biosphere   

For the Resumption of Humanity's Ascent, and, with it -- and by means of it -- the Regeneration of Our Planetary Biosphere,

M. Milankovitch

Crises by Nature
How Humanity Saved The Biosphere

Capitalist Crisis Studies
[with modifications by M. Milankovitch]

Table of Contents

VI  - The Dialectic of Nature

To what extent does this pattern of natural-historical development constitute a dialectic of the biosphere, a dialectic of Nature?

My answera1 is as follows: a dialectic is present in whatever we can express by a reflexive sentence; it is present wherever we have a formula containing a subject-[verb-]object identical
A process which we need to model, in natural language, by a sentence of the following shape is a dialectical process:

( name of entity )            ( acts on, changes (in some way) )        ( itself )subject                                        verb                                        object

The verb here should be a concrete verb, denoting a definite action or operation, not a form of the so-called verb to be”, or other such passive constructions.

By this criterion, we have a dialectic of Nature whenever we have a process which can be modeled in accordance with the general form --

Nature (acts upon) Nature.

-- and, in so doing, as an inherent, inescapable, non-repetitive result of this [apparent] repetition --

Nature (changes) itself.

In fact, the three instances we have explored above, of the Heterotrophic, Photosynthetic, and Fossil-Fuel based stages of the biosphere respectively, all belong to the general model --

The Biosphere reproduces itself.
-- and, in doing so, also, as an ineluctable consequence of this [ostensive] mere self-maintenance --

The Biosphere transforms itself, qualitatively and ontologically.

We can further clarify such models if we recognize that the activity denoted by the verb should not be conceived as external to the subject in question, here the biosphere, but, rather, as an inherent part of that agents nature; as essential to and inseparable from its existence and its nature. 

That is, we should incorporate the activity of the subject with its substance, conceiving it as a process-entity

Then the verb is absorbed into the noun [or vice-versa].

The term the biosphere, denoting the subject and object of the clauses above, would then symbolize both the thing biosphere and the behavior characteristic of a biosphere, by a single term.

The conceptual separation between object and event, being and becoming, enforced in our grammar, is, therein, rejected.

In mathematical terms, the Biosphere now symbolizes a process, an operation — a very complex one — and, in a move characteristic of mathematical symbolization, we are going to replace the string of phonograms Biosphere by the phonogram-become-ideogram B

The symbol B refers to the biosphere by denoting its idea, whereas the word ‘meta-symbol’ made up out of multiple phonetic character-symbols, B i o s p h e r e”, refers to the biosphere by representing the sound of its word.

Our sentence above then condenses to B
of B, B(B), B·B, BB or simply B2, in terms of this ideographic translation of the phonogramic sentence-model. 

Since the verb is absorbed into B (into "both" Bs), there need be no symbol between the first occurrence of B and the second. 

The action of our sentence is presented simply by the operation of the operator B upon itself, B(B) = BB = B2.

The application or activation of an operation, call it f, upon another operation, call it x, is conventionally denoted simply by their juxtapositionfx = f(x) = f·x

The leftmost symbol is called the operator (function) in such cases, and the rightmost is called the operand (argument).

Notice that multiplication in this generalized sense does not always mean the operation that we call times, but rather, it means the mutual activation upon one-another of whatever operation is represented by the function and argument, operator and operand symbols involved in the expression. 

In this generalization, the formula 5×6 = 30 is actually a redundant form. 
The notation 5(6) = 30 would do just as well. 

In this case, juxtaposition does mean the operation times — the 5 counts the 6 five times, and then sums the resulting five sixes, giving 30 as the product — but this is only due to these specific symbols', the 5's and the 6's, involvement, i.e., to the general nature of the operation denoted by both these two ordinary numerals, which is the operation of counting. 

But this is not true for operators in general, for the multiplication of symbols which represent operations other than counting — for example, for the operation written i (), which denotes the operation of 90° counterclockwise circular rotation in an instance of two-dimensional Cartesian number-space interpreted as the Complex Plane  (5i·6i = -30  +30).

In this perspective, a dialectical process is one, in whose mathematical (ideographic) representation, operator and operand are composed of the same symbol. 

In function language: a dialectic is represented by a function of itself, also called a “[self-]reflexive function.c53 

In the notation of an operator ideography, examples of what such functions look like would include --
f(f), B(B), fx(fx), f(f(f)), and fx(fx(fx) which might also be written f 2, B2, (fx)2, f 3, and (fx)3 respectively.a2

The form a subject-[verb-]object identical takes on in the notation of an operational ideography — an ideography of operations (a symbolic logic of verbs or of noun-verbs, instead of a, crypto-Parmenidean, symbolic logic of nouns alone) — is that of a self-function, a self-operation

In current mathematical discourse, such a subject-[verb-]object identical, or self-operation, is often called a nonlinear term

The nonlinear term, i.e., the self-operating generic unknown-function-value, is the form in which self-reflexive function[-value]s, i.e., self-operating operators, typically crop up within contemporary mathematics, especially within its domain of "dynamical integrodifferential equations".

A nonlinear term in such an equation is a self-product term which contains the unknown function or operation for which that equation is meant to be solved

That is, in that, nonlinear, term, the generic value of the unknown function occurs in a form multiplied against itself, or against another of the equations unknown function generic values, some number of times or, as is usually said, it occurs in a power”, or with an exponent”, or with a degree, greater than (or less than) 1 -- with a degreegreater than 1 in absolute value.c54  

Only terms with no power, i.e., of degreea3 1, or unity, in that generic value of the unknown operation(s), i.e., terms without self-reflexiveness, are called linear terms.

A simple example of a time-varying or dynamical nonlinear term occurs in the dynamicaldifferential equation --

d(x(t))/dt   =   d(xt)/dt   =   ax(t)2  

-- wherein --

 x(t)2   =   x(t) . x(t)   =   xt(xt)

This equation asserts that the instantaneous rate of change (differential) of the generic function-value, denoted by x(t), with respect to the differential of t(ime), denoted dt, is proportional, by a purely-quantitative factor denoted by a, to a second degree of x(t), that is, to the two-fold self-operation of the generic function-value, denoted by x(t), of that function-unknown, denoted by x, for the generic value of the time variable, denoted by t, i.e., to the operation of the compound operator, denoted by xt, upon itself.p4 

Any equation containing a nonlinear term in the unknown is said to be a nonlinear equation

In particular, a differential equation — an equation involving the operation of differentiation, denoted by d — which also includes a nonlinear term involving its function-unknown, is said to be anonlinear differential equation.  

By way of contrast, the differential equation dy(t)/dt  =  cy(t), in which only the first power, or simple presence, of the function-unknown, y(t), occurs, is a linear differential equation, whose asymptotic solution, e.g., for c = -1, is a single point, a fixed point attractor or equilibrium, crypto-Parmenideanically unvarying in its value for all values of the time-variable, t -- e.g., ostensively, for all eternity, although the actual trajectory, or the actual trajectories, that ever-approach to this fixed point attractor”, take forever to get there -- take until t = infinity, i.e., until a time which never can, and which never does, arrive, to asymptotically arrive at that equilibrium.  

In this linearity domain of [pseudo-]dynamics, it is all very Platonian. And therefore also very Parmenidean, in terms of the solutions / attractors themselves:   the transcendental, “perfect, “immutable, “eternally unchanging solutions/attractors” reside in a realm that forever transcends the imperfect, lower, physical, mutable, ever-changing, dynamical, sensuous world; the solutions/attractors reside in a realm of perfection and changelessness which that sensuous lower world can only ever approach, and approximate, but which it can never touch.   

Indeed, in this case, that equilibrium attractor, point of changelessness, or point of no further change is none-other than the value 0 itself.  Parmenides would be pleased!

We see that our dialectical sentence-models, [self-]reflexive sentences when expressed in phonogramic writing, take the form, in ideographic writing, of nonlinear equations, containing terms such as B2 — a term of second degree or a quadratically nonlinear term. 

If our sentence had described the effect of the product of B with B on itself, we would have had B2(B2) = B4,  instead — a quartically nonlinear term, and so on.


In fact, we can formulate our Biosphere model as a dynamical nonlinear differential equation.a4  

We can because the sentence-model is precisely about how B operates upon B to produce the transformation of B, i.e., about how B changes B as a process of time. 

The basic form of the differential coefficient, presently written usually d/dt denotes the operation of measuring the instantaneous ratio of operation-change to clock-change

That is, the dynamical differentiation operation, denoted by d/dt, applied to another operation, e.g., to an unknown dynamical function, or, i.e., to a dynamical function-unknown, stands for the measurement of the “instantaneous rate of change with respect to time of that other operation. 

The differential operation is actually a [hyper]number, albeit of a non-counting type.c55 

The occurrence of the dynamical differential operation symbol, d/dt, in an equation renders that equation a dynamicaldifferential equation, typically describing the dynamics or law of motion of a dynamical system”.

Applied to our
Biosphere operation’, B, this operation, called “dynamical differentiation, or differentiation with respect to time, would yield an equation containing a nonlinear term in (at least) B2


Because the self-change-making process of the Biosphere is symbolized B(B) = B2.

Therefore, the time rate of change of B would, in part at least, be proportional to B2:

d/dt(B)   =   .... aB2 .... + ....

The above would be, because it contains at least one term of degree >1 in the unknown operation B, a nonlinear differential equation

To solve this equation would mean to be able to write another equation of the form -- 

 B = ....(t).... 

-- which would constitute the mathematical definition of B, for all time t.

That is, this solution-equation would define B universally and explicitly in terms of other, more basic, operations, for every given moment of time, generically denoted by t.

The explicit version of B, spelled-out on the right-hand side of that solution-equation, and revealing the internal anatomy -- as it were hidden from view inside the univocal symbol B, on the left-hand side of that same solution-equation -- should be a rather intricate affair, if our B2 is to represent an at all realistic specification of the dynamical system of the Biosphere as a state spacea5 trajectory, the flow or vector field or landscape of whose state-space would represent the multi-dimensional Biosphere [self-]operation. 

Our symbol B represents, in fact, a ramified system of operationsa6, onethat would have to be expressed in terms of a multitudinous composition of more fundamental ideographical “verbs”, or noun-verbs — i.e., of operations ,of  [hyper-]numbers, of functions.

We have simply used B to stand for our ‘[self-]operational, dialectical model of the Biosphere. 

We have not displayed here any of its detailed content in ideographic symbolic form, although this entire study is about that content as formulated in a different, non-ideographic, narrative manner. 

A manifold operation like B would ordinarily resolve itself into a product of many other operations combined.  

B would factor out into a very long string of other operators, or into an inhomogeneous polynomial sum of such strings, that is, into a many-elemented n-tuple (vector), or even into an n-dimensional, perhaps tensorial array of such strings. 

Furthermore, there is no guarantee — in fact, very little likelihood — that B could be decomposed into currently formulated operations, i.e., in terms of presently recognized kinds of [hyper-]numbers, or of known functions --


As has been abundantly observed in preceding pages of this work, the solution of many types of nonlinear equations in a closed analytical form is not possible. The range of available functions is much too limited and many equations are intractable to the usual devices of analysis. In fact, most nonlinear equations define new functions, whose properties have not been explored nor for which tables exist.c56

Be that as it may, we have found an intuitive link between dialectical processes and nonlinear (integro-)differential equations, allowing us to clarify what we mean by a dialectic of Nature

In fact, the inefficacy of contemporary [capitalist-epoch-mentality-infused] mathematics with respect to nonlinear processes is to be expected and predicted, from a Marxian perspective, in view of the ideological and anti-dialectical -- atomistic and reductionist — conceptual premises, conscious and unconscious, from which that mathematics has developed. 

The problem with present-day mathematics is not with ideography, or ideas-graphy, as such, but with the ideas currently being graphed, and with the missing/repressed ideas which are not yet being so graphed

The Problem of Nonlinearity is a conceptual problem, and a civilizational problem -- a <<mentalite'>> problem, and not merely a technical problem per se

Humanity, collectively, does not yet understand dialectical process, is largely blocked from understanding it, by the conditions, and by the conditioning, of capitalist, capital-value-permeated, [anti-]social life. 

However, those conditions, and that conditioning, are presently changing, as a result of the conditions created by the self-dynamics of self-accumulating, self-concentrating capital-value itself, in the growing global crisis of capital-value's present, decadent, descending phase.

The process of socio-psyche-ological evolution leading to forms of self-identity in the social individual — forms appropriately placed under the heading the social[ist] ego — which could afford that individual an internal model rendering dialectical process readily conceivable, are still underway, and in hot competition with processes heading toward the neo-barbarian’ ego, or Fascist ego. 

In official science, the atomistic model, belonging to the alienated and alien-ized individualist ego, still holds sway. 

Acquiring the civilizational ability to solve nonlinear integro-differential equations entails the formation of concepts adequate to comprehend such processes in the broad popular mind; acquisition, in other words, of the ability to think dialectically, to think like a social(ist) being

What is needed is not so much new symbols for the missing functions, but the new concepts, and new cognitive processes, which those new symbols will merely represent.

Dialectical is the nature of any process whose subject is also its object; of any process-entity which, as unified subject-[verb-]object, acts upon itself and thereby changes itself progressively, at first quantitatively, and then, at length, qualitatively, ontologically

Not just a human being, or a human society, collectively, but any entity whose name can properly hold the subject slot, in a process-descriptive English sentence, is a subject relative to the universe of discourse carved out by our forming that sentence.

And any entity whose name can properly hold both the subject and the object slots in such a sentence is the subject of a dialectical process

Certainly some subjects are more dialectical, more [self-]reflexive, than others. 

In fact, the later in cosmological evolution that one looks, the more dialectical are the systems one finds

Human subjectivity, latest to evolve, at least in our vicinity of the cosmos, is certainly the most dialectical subjectivity known to us. 

But [self-]reflexiveness, in graded degrees, characterizes Nature from beginning to end. 

Biospheres, as we have seen, surely qualify as such dialectical subject-[verb-]objects

In general, any entity x which can satisfy (solve) a sentence of the shape --

x (operates on) x.

-- is a dialectical subject

Obviously, the solution-set for x is not restricted to individuals of the human species as its only members.

The finitary "set of all sets" can be grasped, not as an irresolvable paradox, nor even as sequence of separate, different sets, so that no single "set of all sets" ever exists, but as a mental movement modeling, abstractly and generically, the dialectic as we have described it above --

Graphic 20:
Image-ination/image-ization of the process/auto-kinesis that is the[meta-]Finitary Set of All Sets


[Meta-]Finitary Set of All Sets Self-[nature-]Driven, Self-[Definition-]Driven Self-Iteration   =


-- such that --


In fact, human history, on this view, including the Socialist Revolution, is but part of the Dialectic of Nature, locally the latest chapter in that vast dialogue, that great argument, which cosmological Nature is having with itself.

According to Hegel c46dialectical being is not just self-changing process alone. 

It is self-changing all the way to the point of self-termination and self-sublation. 

Dialectical process-beings change themselves, more and more, until, finally, this accumulated self-change amounts to a leap beyond themselves; to a changing of themselves into something else

The dialectical perspective, in sum, forces us to recognize the non-eternality of the present leading formation of the Nature of this Biosphere, of Earth life, namely:  ourselves

We must face the realization that humanity, too, will, eventually, be self-superseded in its current, meristemal, role — after bringing forth, out of the very heart of itself, something else, something beyond the human.c57


The dialectic does not rest.  

In all of the Cosmos, only this is at rest!



Part 7 --  The Ideology of Science.

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