Monday, February 10, 2014

Part 1 of 4 -- A Fundamental Inquiry into the Nature of the Societal Self-Reproductive Self-Force of Humanity.

Full Title:  A Fundamental Inquiry into the Nature of the Societal Self-Reproductive Self-Force of Humanity --


Part 1. of 4.  The Heart and Soul of the Marxian Dialectic --  


The Growth of the Social Forces of Production.  Hypothesis.



To My Readers,


GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES:  I have reproduced, below, with my rewrites and edits, wherever I felt that such were needed, a blog-entry from another pseudonymous blogger, the first  part of a series of four blog entries that begins to construct a SCIENTIFIC REFUTATION of the massively-funded ideologies of "Antihumanism", excused on the basis of the "Global Warming" "Big Lie" -- the ideologies of "Small is Beautiful" [actually meaning Weak is "beautiful", in terms of the capability of the people to defend themselves against the "Global War on Humanity" that the "humanocidal", "eugenics" "Meta-Nazi" ruling class is perpetrating against them, via the big 'meta-Nazi' banks, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, the ITO, and the global moves to confiscate pensions, to dismantle social safety nets, to adulterate our food-supply until it becomes a disease-and-death-inducing anti-food supply, to turn "medicine" into side-effects-cascades-inducing poison, to contrive "designer diseases" like AIDS, and to contrive genocidal "civil wars" throughout the "Third World", and beyond, etc., etc.], of "Zero Economic Growth" [a euphemism by which the "Meta-Nazi" ruling class, and their 'spokes-servants', really mean "NEGATIVE Economic Growth"], of "Zero Population Growth" [a euphemism by which the "Meta-Nazi" ruling class, and their 'spokes-servants', really mean NEGATIVE Population Growth", the "Eugenics" Global Pogrom by which the 'Meta-Nazis' intend to murder ~95% of present humanity, i.e., almost certainly INCLUDING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!, as documented here, in their own words, from their own public pronouncements, compiled in an earlier blog-entry --

-- based on a posting in another author's blog], "Peak Oil", etc., etc., ad nauseam.

For the Global, Non-Violent Overthrow of the "Meta-Nazi" Plutocracy, and the Regeneration of Humanity and of Human Progress,

M. Milankovitch

Part 1.:  The Heart and Soul of the Marxian Dialectic --



The Growth of the Social Forces of Production.






This exegetical essay puts forward the thesis that the growth of the human-social forces of production is the ‘‘‘heart and soul’’’ of the Marxian theory of the causation of human-social evolution, of human-social revolution, and of the “lawful” historical emergence of democratic communism, i.e., of Marxian Democracy.

This higher form of comprehensive democracy, of political-economic democracy is, above all, to be distinguished as the historical and diametrical opposite to totalitarian, inherently genocidal state-capitalism, including in its “capitalist semi-periphery” major sub-«species» of military-dictatorship, and private-capitalist/state-bureaucratic-capitalist hybrid ruling-class Nazi [Fascist] state-capitalisms, and of “pure” state-bureaucratic ruling-class, Stalinist state-capitalist PSEUDO-communisms, as well as in its ultra-horrific form as the predicted “lawful” state-capitalist, humanocidal destiny of the capitalist “core” -- of the U.S., the U.K. and the E.U. -- as predicted by, e.g., no less than George Orwell, as well as by Frederick Engels, and by Karl Marx, by Karl Seldon, and by the E.A.g. -- a destiny which can only be averted, or, if not averted, redressed, by the global movement for political-economic-democratic reform/revolution which we seek].

That is, this essay holds that, per Marx, the human-society self-induced growth of the human-social forces of production is the core cause of the historically observed — as of the predicted future — changes in the human-social relations of production, the human-social relations which mediate the self-reproductions, and the self-transformations, of human societies.

These include, especially, in order of their historical progression, the exchange-value relations known as The Commodity-Relation [Marx], The Money-Relation [Marx], and The Capital-Relation [Marx], as well as the higher social relation of production of The Associated Producers [Marx], which was predicted, by Marx, to, in the future, subsume them, and, thereby, to transcend them -- a prediction which the E.A.g. also upholds.

The latter has been clarified and concretized by Karl Seldon -- based upon Marx’s remarks regarding the connexion of joint-stock company shareholder democracy, and of workers-owned producers’ cooperatives, to democratic communism -- in the concept of The Generalized Equity-Relation.

This thesis is supported, in this essay, by extensive evidence from the published writings of Karl Marx, as well as from surviving writings by Marx that Marx had left unpublished as of the end of his lifetime. 


The growth of the social forces of production is the ‘‘‘heart and soul’’’ of the Marxian theory of the causation of human-social evolution, of human-social revolution, and of the “lawful” historical emergence of democratic communism, i.e., of Marxian Democracy.

It is the core of Marx’s explanation of the continual, cumulative changes within each historically-observed system of human social relations [of the transitory self-reproduction of that system of social relations of social reproduction].

It is also the core of Marx’s explanation of the historically-observed changes that constitute the transition from each predecessor system of human social relations to its successor system of human social relations, characterized by a partial conservation modification of the predecessor ontology of social relations[-of-production], as well as by an irruption of new, unprecedented social-relations[-of-production] ontology.

In Marxian theory, the growth of the human-social forces of production is also the primary project of human liberation.

Per Marx, it is already so within that human pre-history, a prehistory which ends with the end of the predominance of the “capital-relation” as all-subsuming social relation of production, and it is so also, and even more so, within the predicted future, next epoch, that of the social relation of production of the freely and democratically “associated producers”, which Marx also calls “[democratic] communist society” [as opposed to capitalist society in general, and to the final, descendant-phase «species» of the «genos» of capitalist society -- totalitarian, humanocidal state-CAPITALISM], a “lawful” development of the final «species» of CAPITALISM itself, which is sometimes fraudulently marketed as “Marxian socialism”].

However, this liberatory project, per Marx, cannot be a conscious, deliberate collective human project within the entire span of “human prehistory” — a prehistory which, per Marx, only ends with the emergence of humanity from out of its capital-value(s)-form.

Before that emergence, this project of human liberation is part of [cf. Hegel] ‘ “the cunning” of history’; of the human species’ collective, or social, unconscious mind.

Specifically, under the rule of the capital-value-form, this project is not pursued, collectively, consciously as such, but only indirectly, in an ulterior manner, and under goals as prescribed by other, misleading, “ideological” forms of human consciousness.

This project is pursued, essentially, only in the form of the pursuit of transitory “super-profit” opportunities by the personifications of the capital-relation, via their effort to increase the productivity of their wage-labor inputs so as to reduce the unit cost of their commodity output, and, thereby, to (1) undercut their competitors’ pricing, on equivalent output, at the same rate of profit, or (2) to meet their competitors’ prices, but at a higher rate of profit for themselves, vis-à-vis the profit rates of their competitors, or (3) some intermediate combination of the two forgoing strategy-extremes.

Upon critical, deeper analysis, this is revealed, by Marx, to be the de facto pursuit of rising rates of relative surplus-value, though this is not perceived as such in the typical consciousness of the agents/personifications of the capital-relation.

For individuals outside the class of capital-personification, e.g., for wagéd and salaried workers, the development of what they tend, in the present-day ideological context, to “hear” from the phrase “the productive forces” — namely, so-called “technology” — and the choice of “technology”, appears to be an alien affair, an affair of capital and its specialist, engineering, etc., employees, from which the wage-working population is excluded.

Such “technology” may even appear, in the eyes of superficial, ‘impressionistic empiricists’, in an illusory, ‘real subjects/real objects’-inverted manner, as an autonomous development, outside of any human-social intension or control:  “technology” as the [pseudo-]subject, or [pseudo-]agent, of human history.

The associated feeling of estrangement with respect to such “technology” on the part of workers is a ‘psycho-ideological vulnerability’ produced in them by their very capital-relation experience itself.

That feeling can be exploited in the psychological/ideological class-warfare operations of The Anti-Marxian Marxians

They are the capitalist ruling class’s ruling faction, in the sub-epoch of the epoch of capital that we call ‘the descendant phase of the capitalist system’.

This ruling faction is hell-bent on “saving itself” from Marx’s predicted outcome, due to the growth of the human-society-productive forces under the capital-relation — on saving its power to despotically rule over the rest of global society, and the coveted “perks” of that rule.

It plans to do so by engineering, first, a termination, and, thereafter, a reversal, of the historical “growth of the productive forces”, together with all of the catastrophic, ‘multi-genocidal’, tendentially ‘‘‘humanocidal’’’ contraction of global human-societal self-reproduction that such a reversal of the growth of the productive forces entails.

That feeling of estrangement on the part of workers is also, in part, well-founded.

It is well-founded, but not as a ‘‘‘Neo-Luddite’’’ urge to the abstract negation of “technology” -- of “technology” as it is shaped and deformed by the imperatives of the capital-relation, and its inherent power- and profit-pursuing ruling-class “capital-praxis”.

It is well-founded as an urge to the immanent, «aufheben», dialectical, determinate negation of that “technology”:  the creation of a technological social infrastructure fit for use by the associated producers [Marx], in their expanded reproduction of an actualized human[e] society, thereby ending human pre-history, and beginning the actual[ized] history of humanity as such.

Within “the capital-relation”, within the epoch of the real domination of the human [re-]production-process by capital, “technology” develops and accumulates physically as “fixed capital” — as an objectification and materialization of THE CAPITAL-RELATION itself:  “technology as capital”; “capital as a technology”.

The “fixed capital” component of “constant capital” [Marx] develops as an instrument for the subjugation of workers -- of workers reduced to “variable capital” [Marx] -- and with an imperative toward the production of ever escalating and ever accumulating “pollution”, etc., “externalities”, against which the capital-relation — because of the inherent failure of “market-forces” to effectively regulate “externalities”, a failure inherent in the capital-relation — provides no immanent protection.

This “technology” therefore develops in a manner which is disfigured, deformed, and perverted with respect to the designs of a democratic-communist, e.g., of an actually humanist, actually human[e] Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, which means a human polity that consciously aims at the production of SOCIAL use-value / SOCIAL negentropy.

Only within an emergent post-capitalist, post-pre-historic, democratic-communist society — i.e., only within ‘the social relations of societal self-re-production’ of a Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY — can the expansion of humanity’s self-expansive, self-creative, self-reproductive powers become a conscious project of humanity — a matter of democratic deliberation and of collective-conscious design. 

Only then can we ourselves become our works of art.

Only then can humanity become its own work, of art.

Only then will the «kosmos» be our canvas.

Next:  Part 2.  Evidence

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